Sunday, May 9, 2021

Where did I go?

(drawing not from this particular experience)

Last Saturday I was driving home from northern Wisconsin. About halfway home, in about a 5.5 hour total drive, I became aware that I was partly here and partly "there." Not easy to describe but it felt like my third eye opened so wide, wider than I ever recall before, that I felt like it could suck my entire being right in. As I was noticing this and feeling concerned about going 70 mph down a highway at the time, I got completely believable reassurance - in telepathic form - that everything was just fine... That I was technically doing "double time," but that I was totally present and in control of my driving. Also, that I was not having some sort of medical emergency; that I needed to basically be in two places at once and that I had "them" with me to assure all would be safe and all would be ok. Every time my brain would have a thought of pulling over or a thought of concern again, I was reassured that I was focused on the road and that all was well. 

As my drive went on, I became more and more confident in this information, allowing any concerns I had left to mostly fall by the wayside. When I did reach home, however, I recall feeling happy to have both feet on the ground - knowing that I was now home safe. 

I went inside and visited with my cat, took out the garbage, read my mail, made a phone call, and unpacked most of my suitcase. I was functioning normally for approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. 

I went to my computer to answer emails and soon "went somewhere." It wasn't until a friend of mine called and the phone's ring started to bring me back. I was so confused about where I was and where I had just been when we spoke. I looked at the time on the phone and on my computer and knew I lost at least 1 hour of time, up to a possible 1-1/2 hours of time. I could remember details from prior to answering those emails and what I said moments ago on the phone.  My only symptom was loss of time / memory from that period of time. Besides that missing time's confusion, I understood the conversation, I spoke just fine, I felt just fine, I was able to walk and move just fine,... everything I did after and since has been normal. I just know this was not a medical thing. I somehow just know this for sure. 

Was my weird time on the road in order to prep me for when I got home, so I could truly leave for awhile? A week later I still have no idea yet where I went or what I did. Just as I've had prior to that day, I've had "visitors" since. My cat sees them too. I most often see shadowy and glowing beings and a variety of lights (& sometimes in much more detail, such as their faces), especially in my house at night - very often in my bedroom. 

I'm not afraid. I don't feel like this was / is a negative thing. I just don't know the details, so I can understand how that can be intimidating to some people in a similar situation. Maybe I'll remember that time period eventually. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Signs Are All Around

I was sitting at my dining room table looking out the window when I saw a cloud that looked like a very defined cross. By the time I took my picture, it was losing its shape. Looking at my photo, I find it extra special that my ceiling fixture also made a cross shape (at top left). Nice accident.

The Brook - From 'Thirty One Hymns to the Star Goddess'


Thirty One Hymns to the Star Goddess
by Frater Achad

Friday, April 16, 2021

Randonautica App - My First Experiences Were Very Interesting!

 A good friend of mine told me about the Randonautica app the other day. 

She was right; it's totally up my alley!

In case you're not familiar, read more about it here (before you read my experiences below). 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

I met up with my friend Katt and we started talking about the app. We decided we would go on two adventures, allowing each of our intentions to play out - one adventure at a time, of course. I had already set my intention earlier that morning but suddenly decided to change mine.  While she was setting her intention, I shifted my original intention.

I'm still learning all the ins and outs of this app. There are various options you can choose, before generating a random location, that I am not familiar with yet. So, I just used the default settings. By the way, the intention is never entered into the app.


Katt's Intention & Journey:

Katt's intention was to feel less hate. She mentioned the word hate 3 or 4 times in regards to frustration with the world and that she just didn't want to feel hate. 

We thought of her intention together for a few minutes and chose the default settings in the Randonautica app, only making the geographical radius smaller. It chose a location that was only .6 miles away. Off we went. 

We were just short (not even a block short) of the destination pinpoint in Google Maps when we saw the following sign:

Gulp! If that isn't right on target, I don't know what is!

Stacy's Intention & Journey:

Originally, earlier that morning, my intention was that I wanted to feel a connection to Mothman or get some sign of him/it. While at Katt's house later that morning, however, I changed my intention to receiving a sign from my star friends and to feel a connection to my true home in the sky. I thought about all the times I have felt them, thinking of nature being an important aspect of that connection, and remembering a time when I was feeling lost and saw a cloud forming a stairway to heaven - 2 straight vertical lines formed with straight ladder rungs forming one by one going upwards until there were 10-11 rungs before the white cloud lost its shape. 

So, again I used the app's default settings and just made the geographical radius smaller than its default. It found a random destination and off we went. When we pulled up to the random destination the app chose, my thought was that my original intention was answered because I immediately thought of Mothman. The grain buildings (what are they called ?) immediately reminded me of the TNT buildings he was sitting on in the Mothman movie. As I was thinking this, Katt looked at me and said, "This reminds me of Mothman." But I had changed my intention - but most of that morning I was thinking of him. 

What we first saw: 

The pointer on the GPS map seemed to point just right behind the buildings, however. So, I decided to drive around to other side to get a better look. 

We parked here, behind those grain containers / buildings. This is what we saw:

I always feel more connected when in nature and near water. I even had that in my intention. This is what was right behind those container buildings. But, I could not believe when I looked to our left and saw a white ladder against the tree! Remember that earlier I was thinking about the white ladder I once saw forming in the clouds!

I don't know, we both felt like this was a really successful adventure. There was also a feeling we got with the visuals, a knowing of the Universe working with us to give us what we asked for. We both had a feeling like the chills, like something special had indeed happened. 

We can't wait to play with this app again!


New Painting: 'Cohesion'


Finished 4.16.21

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Some Spiritual People Should Show More Support

Do you sell your creations or services at a "crystal" shop or other store? Consider supporting the other artists & practitioners that are there as well. Show up at one or more of their events, buy something of theirs if you can, & lift them up. 

I'm going to stay away from specific stories but I have had enough experience to say that a surprising amount of "spiritual people" aren't being very spiritual. 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Unusual Evening in Crystal Lake, IL - Strange Craft

So, my friend Katt and I went to Petco in Crystal Lake, IL one night a few weeks ago (February) and had a very strange experience in the parking lot. Walking to the store entrance from the car, with people all over the place, we saw a very low flying plane coming right over the store. Definitely under 1,000 feet, I would gather much less. The lights were very bright on the parking lot below. It looked very large, probably partly because it was flying so low. It had a V formation of white lights underneath. It looked wrong. It made zero sound! There were no red and blue lights, like a plane should have. I stopped on the sidewalk and looked up more closely at it and it "blipped" moving sideways to the left quickly and back into place, went straight on again and then it "blipped" again suddenly moving sideways but to the right this time. I felt strange watching it. The image seemed to be gliching. I KNEW it wasn't right. My friend, who was 15 feet or so behind me walking in,  was also looking at it and we both said, what the hell was that?! I then realized it was making zero noise... she noticed this as well. 

Walking in we were a little out of sorts and were quickly greeted by an employee. We scurried to the cat food area, remarking again how weird that was. We're used to very odd things happening fairly regularly on our own but especially when we're together. 

By the way, no one in the parking lot seemed to notice the very low flying V-formation-lit plane but us. That would NOT be a first. It was dark and the craft's white lights were very bright. Others should have noticed it! They should have looked just based on us stopping dead in our tracks in the parking lot looking up and exclaiming "wth!"

There is more weirdness but I cannot share it. Felt like a hologram perhaps.