Last Saturday I was driving home from northern Wisconsin. About halfway home, in about a 5.5 hour total drive, I became aware that I was partly here and partly "there." Not easy to describe but it felt like my third eye opened so wide, wider than I ever recall before, that I felt like it could suck my entire being right in. As I was noticing this and feeling concerned about going 70 mph down a highway at the time, I got completely believable reassurance - in telepathic form - that everything was just fine... That I was technically doing "double time," but that I was totally present and in control of my driving. Also, that I was not having some sort of medical emergency; that I needed to basically be in two places at once and that I had "them" with me to assure all would be safe and all would be ok. Every time my brain would have a thought of pulling over or a thought of concern again, I was reassured that I was focused on the road and that all was well.
As my drive went on, I became more and more confident in this information, allowing any concerns I had left to mostly fall by the wayside. When I did reach home, however, I recall feeling happy to have both feet on the ground - knowing that I was now home safe.
I went inside and visited with my cat, took out the garbage, read my mail, made a phone call, and unpacked most of my suitcase. I was functioning normally for approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.
I went to my computer to answer emails and soon "went somewhere." It wasn't until a friend of mine called and the phone's ring started to bring me back. I was so confused about where I was and where I had just been when we spoke. I looked at the time on the phone and on my computer and knew I lost at least 1 hour of time, up to a possible 1-1/2 hours of time. I could remember details from prior to answering those emails and what I said moments ago on the phone. My only symptom was loss of time / memory from that period of time. Besides that missing time's confusion, I understood the conversation, I spoke just fine, I felt just fine, I was able to walk and move just fine,... everything I did after and since has been normal. I just know this was not a medical thing. I somehow just know this for sure.
Was my weird time on the road in order to prep me for when I got home, so I could truly leave for awhile? A week later I still have no idea yet where I went or what I did. Just as I've had prior to that day, I've had "visitors" since. My cat sees them too. I most often see shadowy and glowing beings and a variety of lights (& sometimes in much more detail, such as their faces), especially in my house at night - very often in my bedroom.
I'm not afraid. I don't feel like this was / is a negative thing. I just don't know the details, so I can understand how that can be intimidating to some people in a similar situation. Maybe I'll remember that time period eventually.
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