Sunday, January 3, 2021

THAT is my grandma in the clouds!

- Explanation Below Pictures - 

1st Picture: Original picture

2nd Picture: Cropped area from top half of original pic

3rd: Outline of what I am speaking of

When: Sometime around August 21 - 28, 2020

I noticed these clouds because there were two straight lines that looked like a triangle or pyramid shape, which is odd for clouds. By the time I took a picture, it moved and wasn't straight anymore - but you can still kind of see it. 

Then I realized it was pointing to above it, above the point. And right there above that point, I see my very much missed Grandma as Rosie the Riveter (which she once was!) - side profile facing right with her fist in the air. 

This is especially interesting because I have been recently asking her to help me with discipline in certain areas of my life as far as health was concerned. So, she showed up for me as a strong female image! 

I know they are clouds but the image stands out so much for me, as if yelling out to me. It looks just like her! 

The other smaller circle is an unknown face - she did have a few dogs throughout her life, kind of looks like a dog to me. 

About my Grandma Joan: 

As a young high school student looking for employment, she heard Bell Aircraft in Marietta, Georgia was hiring women as riveters. A patriotic teenager looking older than her years, she got the job! She worked on the fuselages of B-29s.

In 2004 Joan submitted her memories to Rosie the Riveter / World War II Home Front National Historic Park in Richmond, California and is identified as Rosie #6553.

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